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Palmdale Personal Injury Lawyer / Lancaster Dog Bite Lawyer

Lancaster Dog Bite Lawyer

Experiencing a dog bite can be a physically painful and emotionally taxing ordeal. Some attacks are permanently scarring and some are fatal, afflicting people of all ages, including, tragically, the very young. If you or a loved one has been the unfortunate victim of a dog bite, whether the dog was a stranger or one you knew well, you’re likely wondering about your legal rights and how to seek compensation for your suffering. That’s where Trevino Law Firm comes in. Unlike some of the large, impersonal law firms, we prioritize each client and each case, offering compassionate, comprehensive legal support. For high-quality legal services from a local Antelope Valley law firm, contact Trevino Law Firm to speak with a skilled and knowledgeable Lancaster dog bite lawyer.

The Legal Landscape for Dog Bites in California

California law stands firm on holding dog owners accountable when their pets cause injury. The state enforces “strict liability,” meaning a dog owner can be held responsible even if it’s the first time the dog has bitten anyone and the owner had no prior knowledge of the animal’s vicious propensities. Legal damages available can include medical expenses, loss of income, and emotional trauma.

However, if you were found to be trespassing or directly provoking the dog, this fact could exempt the owner from liability.

  1. Provocation: The owner might not be liable if you were teasing, abusing or provoking the dog at the time. Some owners and insurers put up this defense when it doesn’t really apply, so having your case examined by a qualified attorney can be important to making sure you are not being taken advantage of.
  2. Trespassing: Liability may also be waived if you were trespassing on the owner’s property when bitten. California’s dog bite law applies to people who were bitten or attacked in a public space or while lawfully on private property, such as by invitation or with an implied license to enter the property to perform some task.

Why Trevino Law Firm Is Your Ideal Legal Partner in Lancaster Dog Bite Injury Claims

  • Personalized and Compassionate Service – Our lead attorney, Darlene Trevino, puts empathy at the forefront of her legal practice. We treat you with the utmost respect and consideration, rather than as just another case file.
  • Multilingual Capabilities – Our team is proficient in both English and Spanish, making it easier to serve the diverse linguistic needs of the Lancaster community and ensure you are being heard.
  • Effective Negotiation Skills – Darlene Trevino engages with insurance companies and opposing counsel to secure the most favorable outcomes for our clients, settling cases efficiently and effectively.

Steps to Take Post-Dog Bite

  1. Get Medical Treatment: Your health is your number one priority; seek immediate medical help to avoid serious infections or other problems that can worsen the injury if left untreated.
  2. Gather Evidence: Document the scene, your injuries, and any other relevant details through photos or videos.
  3. File a Report: Report the incident to local authorities for official documentation.
  4. Contact a Skilled Attorney: Get a legal consultation to assess your next steps.

Contact Trevino Law Firm Today

Suffering from a dog bite can be a harrowing experience, but you don’t have to go through it alone. At Trevino Law Firm in Lancaster, you’re not just a case number; you’re a person deserving of individualized care and legal expertise. For a legal ally who understands your unique situation and will work tirelessly for justice, reach out to Trevino Law Firm in Lancaster today. Call 661-526-5012 for a free consultation. There is no fee until we recover for you.