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Don’t be Fooled by these 3 Common Myths about Palmdale Car Accident Cases


One universal truth about the internet is that there is a lot of misinformation out there. When it comes to legal information, particularly legal information about personal injury car accident cases, it is often difficult for those unfamiliar with the law and legal process to separate the truth from the fiction. To help Palmdale car accident victims “myth-bust” these commonly held yet misinformed myths, we expose the truth about Palmdale car accident cases here.

Myth #1: All Palmdale Car Accident Cases Go to Trial

While many people wrongly believe the only way to resolve a personal injury car accident lawsuit is through trial, the truth of the matter is that more often than not in Palmdale and other jurisdictions, car accident cases are actually resolved through settlement outside of the court process. In fact, Palmdale car accident cases may be resolved pre-litigation (before an action is even filed), at mediation, through direct negotiations, or at trial.

Myth #2: Liability is Always Clear-Cut in a Palmdale Car Accident Case

Some Palmdale residents may have heard of the term “smoking gun.” The term refers to a piece of evidence so powerful that it essentially determines liability in the case without more. While many people may believe that such evidence exists in Palmdale car accident cases, or that liability can easily be established in a Palmdale car accident case, the truth is that liability is not always a “slam dunk” issue. In order to prove that the other driver is liable in your Palmdale car accident case, it is best to have an experienced Palmdale car accident lawyer on your side to represent you.

Myth #3: Palmdale Car Accident Victims have Unlimited Time to File a Claim for Compensation

It is very important for Palmdale car accident victims to know that, contrary to popular belief, there is a limited time to file a claim for compensation for car accident injuries in Palmdale. Under California personal injury laws, Palmdale car accident victims have only two years to file a claim for compensation for their injuries. Accordingly, it is important to speak with an experienced Palmdale car accident lawyer as soon as possible after you have been injured in a serious car accident due to another driver’s fault.

Justice for Victims of Negligent Car Accidents in Palmdale

Although we have dispelled three common myths about car accident cases in Palmdale, there are many other myths about pursuing legal claims for compensation after a serious car accident occurs. Therefore, to best understand your legal rights and options it is always advisable to speak with an experienced Palmdale car accident lawyer about your individual Palmdale car accident case. The experienced Palmdale car accident lawyers at the Trevino Law Firm offer a free and confidential consultation to learn about your Palmdale car accident case and to see if they can help you get compensation due under California personal injury laws. Contact the experienced Palmdale car accident lawyers at the Trevino Law Firm today and speak to a lawyer about your rights and options for free.

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