$58 Million Jury Award in Palmdale Slip and Fall Case Demonstrates Severity of Slip and Fall Accidents, Rights and Options for Slip and Fall Victims Under California Laws

The 2024 jury award in a Palmdale slip and fall case demonstrates just how serious slip and fall accidents can be, and shows that victims of slip and fall accidents in Palmdale have rights and options to compensation under California laws. According to news reports covering the case, last year, on Tuesday, May 21, a Los Angeles Superior Court jury awarded now 46-year-old Palmdale man Pablo Scipione a whopping $58 million for his injuries sustained at the Kinkisharyo International train manufacturing yard. In the case, which was filed in 2018, Scipione alleged that in February, 2016, he was working as an independent contractor for company Altech Services when he was called in to work on a project at 2:00 a.m. at the Kinkisharyo International train yard. He had just arrived on the job when he slipped, fracturing his left foot. Despite the slip, Scipione went back to work the next day, and then worked full-time for almost eighteen months. However, he eventually visited a doctor who diagnosed him with complex regional pain syndrome, and he was forced out of work.
In support of his case, Scipione argued that Kinkisharyo International knew about the conditions at the train yard that contributed to his fall. Scipione’s counsel said of the case, “Kinkisharyo tried everything possible to downplay the severity of our client’s injuries…The jury saw through their failed tactics and understood the pain our client deals with every day.” Another plaintiff’s lawyer added, “An injury this severe was bound to happen…Employees frequently complained to supervisors that the station was poorly lit, and yet nothing was done to ensure a safe working environment.”
Although Kinkisharyo International argued that it was not liable and that workers’ compensation should cover Scipione’s injuries, the court disagreed, and Scipione was awarded $54 million in compensatory damages and $4.2 million in punitive damages.
Palmdale Slip and Fall Victims Have Rights and Options Under California Laws
Scipione’s case demonstrates that Palmdale slip and fall victims have rights and options under California personal injury laws. Under California personal injury laws, victims of serious slip and fall accidents in Palmdale may be entitled to recover compensation from the negligent party that caused their injuries. Compensation may include compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, reimbursement of medical expenses, and more. In order to determine whether you are entitled to money compensation for your slip and fall injuries in Palmdale, it is best to speak to an experienced Palmdale slip and fall lawyer about your case.
The experienced Palmdale slip and fall lawyers at the Trevino Law Firm are here to help victims of slip and fall accidents in Palmdale get justice. There is a limited time to file your claim under California laws, so do not hesitate to speak to a lawyer about your case today. Contact the Trevino Law Firm, and chat with a lawyer now.